January 2025
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The January winners
Spalted pot won
a turning of the month
for Paul Hunt
Tricorn dish won a
highly commended
for Keith Leonard
A selection of bud vases
won a commended certificate
for Geoff Christie"
Cherry bowl won a
commended certificate
for Nick Adamek
Yew dish
with resin insert
by Geoff Christie
Spalted chestnut gavel
by John Williams
Cup and ball game
by Ted Hogben
Vase by Ted Hogben
Matthew presents
Howard with
the Bill Alston
memorial trophy as
Turner of the year
Matthew presents
Keith Leonard with
the Orchard trophy
Paul showing
his talents
Keith also showing
his talents
Paul turning a box
Top and bottom together
The completed box.
Well lined up Paul
Turning the base
Turning the Spindle
Sanding the spindle
The completed
drop spindle
Keith explaining